9845052670 (Nepal)

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What types of volunteer opportunities are available in Nepal?

You will find number of volunteer work in Nepal. There are plenty of options available for you to choose from. You can involve yourself in Orphanage volunteer project in Nepal, Teaching English volunteer program in Nepal, Teaching English to Buddhist monks in Nepal, Environmental conservation volunteer program in Nepal, Medical/Healthcare volunteer project in Nepal, Construction project, Research, women empowerment volunteer opportunities in Nepal. Besides, you can also join our media and journalism internship project. Choose one of above mentioned volunteer program in Nepal that perfectly suits you and gain hands-on work experience while making a difference in the needy communities. All these projects have something for everyone, regardless of your passion, interest and desire.

Is there any minimum and maximum stay? Can I extend my stay if I choose to?

You can choose to join volunteering projects in Nepal from 1 month to 6 months, depending on your availability of time and willingness to volunteer.

Will I have enough time to travel after work and in weekend?

Yes! You will have enough time to have a look around after work and at weekends while volunteering in Nepal. Depending on the project, you will work mostly 4-5 hours a day (Monday to Friday) starting at 8/10 AM to 2/4 PM. The rest of the time is your free time. The locations for most of our volunteer opportunities in Nepal are in Kathmandu and Chitwan. You can spend your free time visiting historical landmarks, monuments, and museums in Kathmandu. You can also go river rafting, trek through the impressive Himalayan Mountains, ride a jungle elephant through lavish foliage, or visit the World Peace Pagoda at Lake Phewa Tal.

Who will guide or support me in the Nepal volunteer project?

You will be never short of support and guidance on this Nepal volunteer work. HHFN in-country coordinator and the other project staff will ensure that timely and required help is available to you as and when required.

What age ranges take part in these projects?

The minimum age range required to be a part of this volunteer work Nepal is 18 years and above. If in case you are a minor, and still want to take part in this volunteering program, then an authorized permission of your parents is required. The other option available is, to join the program directly with your parents or guardians.

What qualifications do I need?

There are no set qualifications set as such to take part in requirement for taking part in Nepal volunteering programs. However in certain cases it is ideally preferred such as health care volunteerprograms, where physician's credentials are necessary. Your passion with a good mental and physical ability is good enough to see yourself volunteering here in Nepal.

Do you take student volunteers?

Yes, Student volunteers are always encouraged by HHFN Volunteers program. Over the years they have been part of this volunteering journey from all the parts of the world.

What are the daily schedules of the volunteer projects in Nepal?

The project schedules are not always fixed, it varies from one project to another while volunteering in Nepal opportunities. Most projects start from Monday Friday. You are required to work for 4-5 hours a day. You will always start your project work at 8.00am to 10.00 and in the daytime it resumes from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. Apart from this you get weekly off, and evenings to go for sightseeing or exploring Nepal at its best.

Do I need to learn local language?

There is no compulsion for you to learn the local language. HHFN volunteers in country coordinator and project related staff members speak and understand English very well. So while volunteering in Nepal you don’t have to bother too much about learning the language and communicating on a daily basis.

What do Volunteers do?

There are various things to do for you on this Nepal volunteer work program. All your activities depend upon the nature of the project in hand, and its related duties and responsibilities.

Will I get a certificate after completing my volunteer program?

Yes. HHFN volunteers follow a set pattern of giving appropriate certificates and recognitions for your active involvement in volunteer projects. It is provided to you upon the successful completion of your volunteer in Nepal programs.

Will I receive training before the start of the project?

Yes, we provide you with the necessary orientation and training program before you head for your distinctive Nepal volunteer programs. As it is absolutely necessary to get few insights about the volunteering program, pre-hand. This training is organized and held by our country coordinator in support of the field staff for your better understanding. These trainings familiarizes you with the local customs, culture, the language, lifestyle of the people. This will only help you mix with the countries norms making your volunteering in Nepal worthwhile.

Is there dress code in the project?

As Nepal is a conservative country, Volunteers are required to dress conservatively when at their assignments. Jeans and a t-shirt are acceptable. You should always consider and respect the regional religious beliefs of Nepal.

Why pay to volunteer?

The payment that you make is used for maintaining the office, carrying out the administration tasks, paying rent, computers, staff salary, and other required supplies for the daily activities.

Where do I pay my fee?

You need to pay for your volunteer opportunities in Nepal fees to the HHFN volunteers in country coordinator directly. The application and Program fees that you pay are utilized for maintaining the office, giving salaries to the employees, covers rent of the organization, food and accommodation. Other than that there are no extra charges of hidden cost on this volunteering trip in Nepal.

Are ATMs easily available while I am on my volunteering trip? If yes, which debit and credit cards are accepted?

Yes, you will find plenty of ATM outlets available in and around your project site. Also all the major cities have ATM machines, however not all of them accept international cards. You can withdraw cash from most international banks from ATM machines, but $2-4 USD surcharges apply for each transaction. Y

Where should I exchange my money?

While coming for volunteer opportunities in Nepal, you can exchange money either in the banks or authorized money changers or outlets.

How much money should I bring with me when I volunteer in Nepal?

HHFN Volunteers generally provides food and rooms for our volunteers throughout volunteer work in Nepal. Therefore, you will not need pay for these expenses. However, if you plan to take part in activities outside of our organization or buy some souvenirs, you will need to bring extra money. Not only that, you we advise you to research the various online websites available to get detailed information.

What's included in my volunteer fee?

There are various things included in your volunteer programs in Nepal fees. It includes your accommodation, airport pick up, in-country orientation with staff and so on. Besides this the fees also covers other support services emails, written orientation guides and Program verification certificate, fundraising ideas and letters, and also discount for returning volunteers.

Is it safe to carry cash with me during my Nepal volunteer project?

We would more or less suggest you not to carry hard cash with you on this volunteering in Nepal program. Carrying cash is always not safe, especially while traveling far and wide.

What’s excluded from my volunteer fee?

The things that are excluded from your Nepal volunteering program fees are as follows. You have to manage the visa by yourself; airfare is not covered as well. Apart from this police check/clearance report, personal expenses, soft drinks and snack/ extra food, daily transportation expenses, and airport return transfers. Kindly make a note of all these things to avoid any kind of miscommunication or problems.

What kind of accommodation is available while volunteering in Nepal?

While joining your volunteer work in Nepal, you will be placed with an experienced host family. Our host family’s rooms are comfortable and spacious.

Are single rooms available?

Yes, single rooms are available most of the times; however it largely depends upon the nature of the project, time and the location.

If I arrive with my friend, or girlfriend/boyfriend, can we stay together?

Yes, when you arrive with your boyfriend/girlfriend you can stay together, on your volunteer work in Nepal program, but it is not fixed, and also depends on the situation at that particular time.

What are the bathrooms facilities like?

The bathroom facilities are generally up to the standards on all our Nepal volunteering work. Having said that it also depends upon the location and project. Most of our host families have running water and western (or modern)-style toilets. However, in a few projects/accommodations there are varying toilet and bathroom situations that needs to be considered as well.

What are the laundry arrangements?

When you will be joining this volunteer opportunities in Nepal, laundry will be done by yourself in general.

Can I use appliances if I bring them from my home country?

Yes, you can bring your own appliances on this volunteer work in Nepal program. However the appliances should be according to the standard voltage used in the host country will need an electrical converter.

Is there Wi-Fi in accommodation?

Yes, most of the times you will find access to the internet facilities while volunteering in Nepal. However it largely depends on your project location and the placement. If you are placed in guest houses or host families, there is every chance that you will have uninterrupted internet facilities for use. Sometimes though if your project site is just outside the cities than, you might be deprived of this facility.

Is there bed and bedding materials?

Generally bed and bedding materials are provided during your volunteer programs in Nepal.

Will there be other foreign volunteers/interns at my placement?

Yes, in general the will be other foreign volunteers on these Nepal volunteer opportunities. This situation is not fixed though, as it depends on the nature of the project, its location and time of the assignment.

Who manages my meals?

You will be served 3 meals a day during your volunteer work in Nepal programs. HHFN Volunteers manages and organizes food and other meals in the accommodations till you complete your assignment.

What kind of food do we eat while volunteering in Nepal project?

You will be served local Nepalese cuisine on this Nepal volunteer programs. The local Nepalese food comprises of curries, salads, desserts, vegetables and of course rice which is the staple food for Nepalese. Apart from this if you want to try other dishes or have your own preferences, you can always visit restaurants nearby.

Can you accommodate special diets?

No, we do not provide any kind of special diets on this volunteer opportunities in Nepal program.

I am vegetarian and vegan, will that be a problem?

There won’t be any kinds of problem whatsoever regarding vegetarian food while volunteering in Nepal.

Is it safe to travel to Nepal?

Safety is one thing that can never be ascertained or taken for granted. While traveling internationally both caution and awareness should be of paramount concern. We request you to consult your own government advisory office back home before arriving for Nepal volunteering work.

As all international travel are prone to risks and other acts of sponsored terrorism or conflicts. Nepal is not immune to these incidents that happened in the past. We ideally request you to check out for various travel opinions available online. Every kind of support and help is provided to the volunteers from the time of their arrival through to the completion of their project. As we want the volunteers to come safely and go back home safely.

What are safety measures you take for the volunteers?

HHFN Volunteers always believes in safety first for volunteer programs in Nepal. The moment you arrive at the airport you will be safely placed in your destined destination safely. Once here you will be briefed about the volunteering schedule through an informative orientation program. This orientation is conducted at your in country office and is given by our in country coordinator

Orientation: This orientation is an extremely important aspect of your entire volunteering in Nepal program. It contains all the trip details, placement concerns and the safety measures as well. You will have the opportunity to familiarize with the Nepalese culture, customs, language, lifestyle which would help you to adjust well.

What happens if I get sick?

Sickness is one thing that is unexpected and cannot be anticipated in advance. There are chances of you getting sick on this Nepal volunteer program in due course of time. However there is nothing to worry about, as timely medical attention and care is provided if you get sick.

What Vaccination Do I need to take?

Vaccinations are always needed and required while traveling for volunteer programs in Nepal. As you might face various health situations existing in the host country. Therefore it is always advisable to bring vaccines along with you. We request you to use the Center for Disease Control traveler's healthrecommendations (www.cdc.gov.) Here is the list of recommended vaccinations mentioned by CDC for Nepal which are typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis, rabies, polio, meningococcal meningitis, or Hepatitis A or Hepatitis B. diphtheria, tetanus and typhoid fever

How can you help volunteers in case of emergency? Is there someone we can get hold of in case if we need immediate help or support?

Emergency situations are brisk paced and difficult to predict. However on your Nepal volunteer programs, you will be ably supported regardless of the situation. Therefore we follow a system and under which we provide the necessary contact details of your coordinators during the orientation itself. In such a situation you can always contact you’re in country coordinator or the local staff for retrieving you. So whenever, you seek help in case of emergencies you will get it without long delays.

Which airport do I need to fly in?

You will be flying straight into Tribhuwan International Airport in Nepal.

What happens if I missed flight or arrived late?

If you miss your flight, it is considered and taken care of. In this case you will be provided with the contact information of our Nepal in-country coordinator. You will have to get in touch with the in country coordinator and explain your situation to him. This will help the coordinator to set a new arrival date for you which would serve the purpose.

If my assignment begins on Monday, when should I arrive? If I want to arrive earlier than then my assignment begins, where do I stay and who will organize the accommodations? Does it cost me extra?

We would like to suggest you that you should arrive a day before your actual volunteering in Nepal programs start. Though your program generally begins on Monday, arriving on Sunday will allow you to get the feel of the country and the assignment. This will give you time to settle down, and prepare in a better frame of mind for the upcoming volunteer project.

How can I apply to volunteer program in Nepal?

Basically there are two ways of applying for volunteer work in Nepal. You can either apply online or download the application form from our website. The application form should be completely filled with all the necessary details and then should be sent to HHFN volunteer office.

What happens once I submit my documents and application?

Once you submit your complete document, HHFN Volunteers receives and reviews your filled application thoroughly. Then we will finalize and assign you with the relevant projects based on your qualifications, experience and requests. Finally all the necessary details of your placement will be sent to you.

What documents do I need to submit with my application?

The only document required for joining Nepal volunteer work is a completely filled application form, which is available on our website. HHFN Volunteers reserves the right to accept or reject the application.

What kind of visa do I need to work as a volunteer?

For volunteering in Nepal you need to get a tourist visa. You can apply for a tourist to the Nepalese Embassy or you can also take on arrival visa in Nepal.

What documents do I need to get visa?

The only document you need for volunteer programs in Nepal is your valid passport. You require carrying a passport with a validity period of 6 months, recent photographs from the date of travel. If your passport is about to expire or has expired, it’s advisable to renew it before you travel to the host country.

Do I need a passport that is valid for 6 months prior to departure for my project country?

Yes, a valid passport is absolutely necessary for joining Volunteer work in Nepal programs. Your passport should have a minimum of six months of validity following the intended date of departure from your home country.

Can I extend my visa while I am in the country? Can you help me on this?

Yes you can always extend your visa for volunteer opportunities Nepal. The tourist visa can be extended at the Immigration department.

How do I contact with HHFN Volunteers local coordinator?

You can always contact HHFN Volunteer local coordinator while joining this Nepal volunteering work. The contact details of our Nepal in-country Coordinator is given in the placement packet.

How can I communicate with my family from Nepal?

While joining this volunteer work in Nepal communicating with your family back home is not at all difficult. International Direct Dialing from Nepal is available. And for cheaper experience, you can use social networking sites via internet.

Is there internet available everywhere?

Yes, internet facilities are available. Depending on the project, you may find free or paid Wi-Fi or can also use your SIM data.

Can I buy SIM card in Nepal?

Yes, you can buy SIM cards in Nepal with the help of your passport and are very handy to use.

Do local People speak English in Nepal?

Yes and No. Most of the young Nepalese people can understand and speak the English language, however, children and old people cannot.