9845052670 (Nepal)

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What is volunteering?

Let us discuss the sense behind volunteering overseas in this first segment of the volunteer guidebook. Volunteering abroad is typically an international charitable placement in which you spend time in families, generally in developed countries, providing your expertise and work. Volunteer placements abroad incorporate the time spent volunteering with travel and a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in an interesting new country as global community.

Here are few examples of how volunteering overseas mixes adventure and pleasure with an opportunity to have a positive effect on the individuals and cultures you spend time with.

-Volunteering gives you the chance to make a positive difference in developing countries

-Volunteering combines travel, cultural immersion and time spent working with having fun

-Volunteering gives you the chance to learn a new language-volunteering in a foreign country gives you an ideal opportunity to learn a new language

-Volunteering overseas is about being open to other cultures

Why should I volunteer?

Volunteering can be a successful and fruitful opportunity for both the volunteer community and the local community. It offers volunteers the chance to make a meaningful impact with their time while still meeting new challenges and engaging alongside a wide variety of individuals.

Here are a few other reasons people look to volunteer:

-You will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on local people and communities

-You will have the chance to really get to know a new culture and its people

-You will gain new skills

-You will make lifelong friendships

- You will gain confidence

- You will develop a greater awareness of some of the many issues facing communities

Is Volunteering is for Me?

If volunteering is appropriate for you depends on your ideals, your convictions and your attitude to life. Until you agree to voluntary service, it is really important to figure out whether it's anything that's going to fit you.

Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself to help you decide:

-Do you enjoy helping others?

-Are you able to move outside your comfort zone?

-Do you have skills to share?

-Do you like meeting new people?

-Do you like travelling?

-Do you have the time and money needed to spend time volunteering?

What are the most popular project to volunteer in Nepal?

Teaching volunteer in Nepal

Unfortunately, considering the large number of tourists every year to this beautiful country, thousands of families still live in poverty. They're unable to afford to send their kids to decent English schools. This suggests that they go to overpopulated and poorly high schools where they do not have the ability for their pupils to ensure proper English education. Due to this, majority of children in Nepal are deprived of from the light of English education.

Local schools in Nepal are therefore urgently searching for keen volunteers to help educate deprived Nepalese students. As an English teaching volunteer in Nepal, you will teach invaluable English skills along with many types of life skills and inspire them to lead a happy, harmonious and successful life.

Women’s empowerment volunteer in Nepal

Unfortunately, Nepal possess a male dominated society where women are commonly discriminated regardless of their caste, religion or family status. The major problem in the male dominated society is early child marriage, less access to education, health, employment opportunities and fortune. Women faces countless number of discrimination, domestic violence and disrespect within the society and also cross border trafficking for sex. Moreover, majority of the women in Nepal are uneducated, lack saleable skills and do not have access to outdoor jobs, thus they have to rely on their male partners to sustain their family. HHFN aims to change this situation by conducting various types of women empowerment activities in rural Nepal and invites volunteers across the world. This Women Empowerment Volunteer Nepal program provides you with unique opportunities to empower women by sharing your saleable skills, educating them about their rights, health and hygiene, teaching them vital English skill and also raising awareness in the society about drawbacks of child marriage. Your priceless effort will certainly help change the current devastating situation of Nepalese women and help them lead a happy, healthy and harmonious life.

Journalism and media volunteer in Nepal

With jaw-dropping snowy peaks, lovely people and their fascinating cultures, antique landmarks and stunning landscapes, Nepal is indeed one of the best travel destinations in the world. With lots of cultural, social and political activities along with stunning landscapes, Nepal is an ideal destination to hone your journalism skills in the areas of RJ, VJ and photo journalism. Our journalism and media internship Nepal place you at newspapers and radio and TV stations. You will have the unique opportunity to learn and practice journalism collaborating with the local professionals and Journalism students. We will provide simple instructions to find challenges, do interviews and write news. You will write articles for your home country's newspapers, internet websites or magazines, as well as the Nepali media.

Agriculture volunteer in Nepal

Though Nepal is regarded as a paradise for vacationers across the globe, unfortunately, majority of Nepalese people are under the line of poverty and have been forced to lead a miserable life. This is because over 70% of the Nepalese people’s major occupation is agriculture, however, it is still conventional and labor-intensive. Due to difficult topography and its unscientific distribution, traditional farming system, lack of proper irrigation and research activities, Nepalese farmers cannot even produce sufficient crops for them thus growing cash crops and earning has become just a dream. This is where your invaluable help comes in. By joining this agriculture volunteering project in Nepal, you will indeed make a real contribution to help poor Nepali farmer lead a happy and harmonious life. After joining this amazing program, you will assist in designing, coordinating and implementing various agricultural projects that help improve the local physical landscapes as well as the living standard of the locals.

Environment Conservation volunteer in Nepal

Unfortunately, despite being world’s one of the natural paradises, the precious natural resources are deteriorating due to extreme poverty, unsustainable farming practices, climate change, alleged corruption, increase in population and the over exploitation of natural resources. There is also a great lack of awareness among Nepali people concerning the negative effects of deforestation. Though there are several INGOs, NGOs and governmental organizations are conducting various conservation activities, their efforts have not been adequate. Therefore, HHFN works in collaboration with the local government and volunteers around the globe to help protect the local environment. This nature conservation volunteering program in Nepal works to sustain the environment through various projects that raise awareness, teach sustainable farming methods, improve ecotourism initiatives, teach the local communities eco-friendly practices and plantation of trees in the bare land. HHFN’s has also developed a concept of Permaculture techniques in the farm land and has aimed to develop the concept of Eco-village in different communitiesof Nepal.

Medical volunteer in Nepal

Despite being a natural paradise of the world, Nepal is still one of the poorest countries of the world and there is disturbing healthcare system. There is a great lack of full-facility hospitals with sufficient medicines and medical professionals in the rural and poorer areas. Therefore, poor and marginalized people are forced to succumb to simple curable diseases as they simply do not have access to doctors or basic healthcare facilities. HHFN works in collaboration with several hospitals and clinics in rural areas to change this situation and invites kindhearted volunteers like you to contribute! When you join this medical volunteering program in Nepal, you will provide crucial medical assistance like access to proper health care and medicine to the marginalized and disadvantaged communities of rural Nepal. You will get to work side by side with local physicians and medical practitioners in government hospitals and local clinics situated in the communities in need. This work is extremely helpful in improving local people overall wellbeing, and you will have a highly satisfying and invaluable medical experience.

Research volunteer in Nepal

Despite being incredibly rich in natural and cultural splendors, a majority of Nepalese people are leading a miserable life due to poverty, illiteracy, sudden natural disasters, a long period of civil war and many other devastating causes. Though several NGOs, INGOs and governmental organizations are conducting various programs to elude this situation, their efforts have not been adequate as more research, plan and a right execution of plan is required. This is where your invaluable help is needed. You can join hands with HHFN and help make a difference while also experiencing the real Nepal. The Research Volunteer Program in Nepal is carefully designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of cultures, traditions and way of life of Nepalese rural communities while also helping them overcome their problems via various types of research, data collection and planning activities. If you are a student, teacher or from any backgrounds, and thinking about conducting a research and contributing for the growth of local communities in a developing countries like Nepal, then this is an ideal project for you.

Childcare/orphanage volunteer in Nepal

Due to poverty, illiteracy and the lack of saleable skills, the parents from rural and poorer areas cannot afford to provide adequate support and care for their kids. Thus, they leave their home in search of work to the big, bustling cities in hopes of making good fortune for them and their families. However, in most situations, they don't find a chance to make it to their hopes and end up taking shelter in orphanages. Though there are several governmental, non-governmental and local orphanages are trying to provide shelter, food and clothes for these kids, their efforts have not been adequate. The orphanages are understaffed and underfunded, therefore, there is a huge need of volunteers like you. This orphanage volunteering program in Nepal aims to aid several understaffed and underfunded orphanages to offer adequate care and attention to the most deprived orphans. Your priceless love and passion for these children help them rebuild their lives so that they can lead a safe, positive, happy and harmonious life.

Monastery Teaching volunteer in Nepal

The Buddhism is an identity of the Nepalese society and also the second most followed religion in Nepal. However, Buddhist monks have been detached from the mainstream society for a long time as they lack proficiency in the English language. English is an alien language for the Nepalese Buddhist monks and they learn and follow Buddha's teachings all their lives in their native language. Thus their good comprehension of the vital English language extend their reach to the mainstream society and help spread the good worlds of the Lord Buddha. Therefore, HHFN’s Nepal monk volunteer program calls for peace loving volunteers across the globe to contribute this noble cause. This program aims to wipe the disturbing gap between the Nepalese monks and the crucial English language by providing an amazing environment for studying and practicing English with native English speakers. You can join this safe and affordable program and share your passion and love with these young disadvantaged monks while also learning the teachings of the Buddha and immersing in fascinating Buddhist cultures and traditions.

Making the most out of your volunteer experience

The way in which you approach your volunteer Nepal placement will determine how much you take away from it. Below are a few ideas to help you make the most out of your time volunteering:

-Show support and passion for your project.

-Embrace the culture.

-Explore the country.

-Stay positive and appreciate the experience.

-Don’t expect the luxury of a 5 star hotel.

-Embrace your Host Family.

-Spending time watching and listening.


Safety is one thing that can never be ascertained or taken for granted. While traveling internationally both caution and awareness should be of paramount concern. We request you to consult your own government advisory office back home before arriving for Nepal volunteering work. As all international travel are prone to risks and other acts of sponsored terrorism or conflicts. Nepal is not immune to these incidents that happened in the past. We ideally request you to check out for various travel opinions available online. Every kind of support and help is provided to the volunteers from the time of their arrival through to the completion of their project. As we want the volunteers to come safely and go back home safely. HHFN Volunteers always believes in safety first for volunteer programs in Nepal. The moment you arrive at the airport you will be safely placed in your destined destination safely. Once here you will be briefed about the volunteering schedule through an informative orientation program. This orientation is conducted at your in country office and is given by our in country coordinator,

Orientation: This orientation is an extremely important aspect of your entire volunteering in Nepal program. It contains all the trip details, placement concerns and the safety measures as well. You will have the opportunity to familiarize with the Nepalese culture, customs, language, lifestyle which would help you to adjust well.

A summary of Do’s and Don’ts


  • Embrace and show respect for the local cultures 
  • Try as many traditional cuisines and dishes as possible
  • Maintain a friendly and open attitude
  • Throw yourself in to activites and events to the greatest extent possible
  • Take advantage of opportunities to practice your language skills
  • Explore the natural surroundings
  • Take part in the religious and cultural life of your community
  • Be respectful and polite to those you come encounter
  • Carry tissues around with you in case of emergencies
  • Carry out as much research as possible prior to departure


Expect all the same amenities and luxuries that you would find in your home.

Bring unwanted attention to yourself either through the way you dress in public or flash around high value items

Be culturally insensitive to the community you find yourself  in.

Use unregistered taxis.

Think all food and drinks are safe to consume (if possible always drink bottled water over local tap water).

Miss opportunities to get involved with the local community.

Allow arguments to escalate into physical violence at any point.

Completing your project and returning home

Your Nepal volunteer placement will be an opportunity that will stick with you for the remainder of your life and will ideally also be the foundation of many new lifetime friendships. Try to take plenty of pictures of the places you visit and of your host family so that when you return home you can show family and friends. It's also a great way to keep your lovely memories fresh.

On your return, documenting your memories and written and photographic notes taken while on placement with the voluntary group can be very satisfying. They can then integrate your experiences into recommendations to help future volunteers get the essential information. Staying in contact with new people, including those from the local neighbour hood and fellow volunteers you have served with, is also a smart idea. You may find yourself volunteering together again!