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Work Camp in Nepal

Join one of the most fulfilling and meaningful work camps in Nepal for a life-changing experience. Since 1999 with thousands of happy volunteers!

Are you dreaming of a safe, meaningful and sustainable trip to Nepal? Are you preoccupied with conservation of natural resources and want to immerse yourself in a remote wilderness? Would you like to help conserve the fragile Nepalese ecosystem and underprivileged communities? Join this our Work Camp in Nepal and make a real meaningful difference!

For volunteering and traveling, Nepal is a wonderful country. Countless fascinating culture, the majestic Himalayas, numerous wildlife, ancient monuments & landmarks and striking lakes and the origins of Buddhism are to be found here. Nepal is also known as the best outdoor adventure destination in the world, offering thrilling trekking trails, mountaineering, paragliding, rock climbing and bungee jumping opportunities.

The Nepal work camp is a voluntary projects in Nepal where participants from different countries can meet, live, work, learn and exchange their culture with local people. We can organize a range of work camps all year round, except some time-specified work camps. Generally, the duration of the work camp is 15 days. In general, anyone who is 18 years old or above can join in our any of the work camp programs. 

To join in our Nepal volunteer work camp program, you are required to bring a sleeping bag, Camp mat, Flashlight, Hat, Sunglasses, Working Clothes, Wet Weather Gear, a few pairs of gloves, and some basic medication according to your health situation. If you take any prescription drugs please ensure you have sufficient dose to last your stay. It would be helpful and culturally enriching if you can bring some stuffs from home, including pictures of your country, your national flag, playing materials for children, music, etc..

HHF-Nepal organizes two-week Nepal work camp programs. The volunteers work will be either physical or technical and lasts up to 30 hours a week depending upon the nature of the program. In our work camps, local villagers and international volunteers will work together to change the situation of the placement. 5 to 20 international volunteers from different parts of the world will join and work together. 

Dear volunteers, after the successful completion of many meaningful programs under the active leadership of HHFN, it is our pleasure to invite international volunteers to contribute to nature conservation community development and child & women health improvement program in the lap of beautiful Himalayan kingdom of Nepal. These program is an ideal fit for many young volunteers willing to make a difference in the life of Nepalese communities by joining this amazing Nepal volunteering work camp programs. 

These work camps programs will be organized in beautiful & peaceful villages surrounded by green forests and hills. Furthermore, HHF Nepal will organize many attractive programs including village visits, culture programs, and visit many historical and tourist sites and picnic programs during the work camps. Some of our popular work camps include:

Nursery Development Work Camp In Nepal

Build Orphanage Work Camp In Nepal

Community Development Work Camp In Nepal

Plantation Work Camp In Nepal

Water Reservation Work Camp in Nepal

Gardening Work Camp In Nepal

Community Health Work Camp In Nepal

Work Camp Routine

At the arrival in Nepal, the volunteer is received by our representative at TI Airport Nepal. They spend the first day at Kathmandu and move to Chitwan, Narayanghat on the 2nd day. On the second day, they receive free orientation about the work camp and the rules they need to abide by during their stay. The work camp formally starts from the 3rd day and ends on the 14th day.

A normal day from 3rd to 14th day in the life of a work camp participant starts at around 7 am in the morning. They reach to Nepal volunteer work camp site by 8 AM after having a satisfying breakfast. They work for around 4 hours to get break time where they are served with traditional Nepali cuisine (Rice, Currey,  Pickels)  for lunch at 1 PM.

The weather at Chitwan is hot for most of the year. So, the participants are given time to rest and to do their usual chores inside their residential room till 4 PM. The next work session is of 2 hours from 4 PM to 6 PM. After having light snacks the Nepal volunteers return to their work camp place. Evenings are mesmerizing in Nepal. The sun setting with a cold wind blowing that makes you forget all the sweat of the day. Volunteers work merrily in the evenings and return to their rooms after dusk starts falling.

The usual time for dinner is 8 PM. The satisfying dinner is followed by a discussion session where participants get to share their experience and to know each other better. The days end at around 10 PM. The same schedule goes on for 13 days while in Nepal volunteer work camp program. On the 14th day, we conduct a cultural exchange program where the participant prepares and showcase their food from their country and serves the local community. The participants return to Kathmandu the next i.e the 15th day with tons of good memories and new experiences to cherish for a lifetime. They are given a token of love, a T-shirt, and certification from HFFN as an appreciation of their good deeds.

Benefits of Joining Work Camp in Nepal

Money actually buys you happiness when you actually spend it on others. When you spend it on you it doesn’t.  So one of the way to increase your happiness and peace of mind, is to be in the service of others. Help impoverished communities, contribute to make a difference in the life of deprived children, women, and animals and even help save the ecology to make this world a better place. This will indeed provide you with an eye-opening, life-enriching and life-changing experience. Some of the major benefits of getting out of your comfort zone to make someone else’s life better are: 

  • Get to immerse yourself in local cultures
  • Get to learn a new skill set
  • Opportunity to make International Friends
  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Helps you to learn teamwork
  • Helps you to develop global mindset
  • Helps you to enhance your communication skill
  • Gives a sense of accomplishment
  • Valuable work experience
  • You contribute to change the world