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Wildlife Volunteer Program in Nepal

Extinction of plant and animal species is an inevitable truth of today’s world and protection of wildlife is a big issue to be addressed. Wildlife conservation project is started to encourage the participation of people from different corners of the world to bring some positive changes in the current wildlife condition of Nepal. Main objective of the project is to maintain biodiversity, preserve natural resources and monitor the condition of wildlife. Nepal is rich in Natural diversity and the people here worship Nature as a god. But the traditional Nepali customs and rituals are not enough to conserve the Natural heritages and wildlife. Join your hands to spread awareness for Natural conservation through your scientific logics and knowledge. People of Nepal know the importance of nature but don’t know the way to conserve it, so participants like you can cooperate with the local agents to take the steps more efficiently.

Volunteers can work in conservation centers of the breathtaking Annapurna mountain ranges of Himalaya or in the magnificent forest of Chitwan National Park. You will be assisting with monitoring the population of wildlife species, mammal survey, reptile survey, bird survey and also for the study of the plants. FDIP will arrange you the working days in wildlife conservation centers where you’ll be assisting to go through the conservation activities.

Skills and Qualifications to Volunteer

Volunteering in wildlife conservation projects requires visiting wildlife and remote areas. Though specific skill or qualification is not required for this project, you should prepare yourself physically and mentally for wildlife and national parks.


A 2 days long orientation is held by our local staff in Kathmandu. Volunteers are introduced to basic Nepali language and greetings, meanwhile they are also informed about the local customs, safety, travel guidance and all the dos and don'ts in the Nepali Society. You will be provided contact details of our local office, maps and other useful information. Volunteers will then be informed about their destination conservation areas, their responsibilities as a volunteer and how they are going to assist with the conservation workers there. Arrangement of Conservation project work depends on the season and the weather conditions.

Your Week as a Volunteer

First day: On the first day you'll be given all final instructions about the conservation project and you will be then escorted to the project location by our field officer.

Weekdays: On weekdays volunteers will be solely engaged in projects. Daily schedule will be as follows

Morning: Breakfast ( As provided by homestay)

Daybreak: Volunteer placement

Evening: Back to homestay for dinner and rest

Food & Accommodation

Volunteers will be received at the airport by our local staff. Volunteers are accommodated in our hostel for 2 days till the orientation. Volunteers are then accommodated at homestays. You will be provided with a basic living standard with clean room, pure drinking water, hygienic food, bathroom and shower. Volunteers might share their room with other co-volunteers. Local meal in Nepal is Dal  Bhaat, consisting of beans, curry( daal),steamed rice(bhaat), vegetables, pickles and occasionally chicken or meat.

If you have any health issues and special dietary requirements please inform us while applying for the project. It will be tried to fulfill all your hygienic and nutritional requirements in meals but as a volunteer we will also be expecting some flexibility from you. FDIP considers your Food and Accommodation as an integral part of the efficiency for your activities while volunteering in Nepal. So the FDIP team will take care of that.