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Internship in Nepal

Do you want to advance your professional skills through an experience in cultural immersion? Have you thought about joining an internship program that will allow you to grow personally while adventuring through mountainous landscapes and rich culture?

Joining an internship in Nepal is an amazing opportunity because you will gain so much more than just work experience. Traveling to and living in another country encourages both professional and personal growth; you will become more independent, proactive, and flexible when you’re pushed outside of your comfort zone. International experiences also help you understand cross-cultural values and increase your global awareness, which may change your perspectives on your own cultural values while helping you respect others.

Embarking on this incredible internship is a great opportunity. Whether you intern with an orphanage, assist doctors in our medical programs, care for animals through conservation work, explore the Buddhist religion by teaching young monks English, contribute to agricultural efforts, or teach English in schools – an internship like this will change your life! Not to mention that while you advance your skill set, you’ll also be making a major impact on less fortunate countries and communities.

To learn more about our Nepal internship programs, HHFN invites you to browse through project options below. Once you’ve found something that looks like a good fit send us an email and we will guide you through the rest of your journey.

Popular Internship Opportunities in Nepal

HHFN offers an amazing variety of internship opportunities with many projects to match your needs and interests. Here are a few of our most popular:

Orphanage Internship Program

Being an underdeveloped country, Nepal is facing many obstacles that directly hinder its growth and progress. With poverty, illiteracy and political instability, there are hundreds of children sleeping in the streets and begging for food.

There is no immediate action from the government or private firms to relocate these children and ensure a bright future. Through this incredible project, HHFNs partners with many local orphanages in Nepal where you can help these children hope for a brighter future and realize their true potential.

When you care for children in this Nepal internship opportunity, you will perform tasks such as administrative affairs or teaching activities. Administrative works include assisting the coordinators or supervisors, helping the staff in cleaning and cooking, maintaining cleanliness in the premises and documentations. Interns can also teach English and other basic subjects to these children.

Apart from the books, interns can also conduct training and teach them skills on strength, creativity, language and logical reasoning. Interns can assist the children in their homework and school related assignments. Interns can arrange for extracurricular activities such as dance, music, poetry, painting, arts and crafts and sports.

This is an incredibly unique opportunity for you to acquire a first-class internship experience in Nepal. The internship will help the interns' gain a perspective on how desperate and needy these children are for opportunities and exposure. Helping these children with English and other subjects can flourish and prepare them for success ahead. You can be a part of this wonderful journey by enrolling in our internship projects. Apart from this, you will be awestruck by the spectacular beauty of the country and its authenticity.

There are no skills and qualifications required for this internship in Nepal. Interns are expected to have a kind heart towards children and should know ways to deal and interact with them. It is important that the interns possess a loving, caring and flexible nature.

English Teaching

Poverty prevails in Nepal, and unfortunately half of the population remains under the line of illiteracy. English teaching is expensive hence is only available to the privileged. The children of the poor and farmers cannot afford to send their schools to private institutions. Public schools do not have English included in the curricula or run short of enough resources and manpower. Your visit to Nepal as an intern can make their dreams come true.

Interns can assist the local teacher or be an independent teacher depending upon the confidence and experience in teaching. In Nepal, the schools follow a fixed curriculum where English is taught by one primary teacher.

So you will have to follow the same course books. Interns basically will have to work for public or private schools and teach conversational English to these children of 6-13 age groups. Interns can help these children read, write and speak English.

The Nepal teaching internship program allows you to engage the children in dance, music, art, poetry and other extracurricular activities. Interns can also help the schools with administrative activities required for proper functioning. This internship can also help you learn and hone your teaching skills should you wish to pursue their career in teaching.

This practical experience gives a real picture on diverse classroom dynamics. Plus, helping these children realize their potential for a bright future boosts your resume and gives a wonderful kick start to your career. What else would be interesting to have enjoyed in the land of mountains relishing the beauty and saving children's lives both at the same time.

There are no particular skills or teaching experience required for teaching internship in Nepal. Interns should have fluency in English both in verbal and written. Interns are expected to have a loving, caring and helping nature. Interns should be flexible and patient to teach English to these children who know no ABC of English.

Healthcare and Medical

If you are working as a medical practitioner or are hoping to practice medicine, then join our healthcare and medical internship program in Nepal and gain international medical experience. Interns will have to work as an independent medical practitioner or assist the local doctors as per their medical license and experience acquired. Major duties include regular check up of the patients, measuring blood pressure, temperature, height and weight. Interns can conduct therapies and counseling for the patients.

Interns can go for regular rounds, diagnosis, providing first aid and prescribing medicines to the patients. Interns can work in rehabilitation centers or set up classes for the local people to make them aware of the disease and its preventive measures. Campaigns can be launched to give information on cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Interns enrolling in the Nepal medical internship opportunity can gain a first-class internship abroad experience. With the on field practice, it is the best opportunity for the aspiring medical practitioner to learn and sharpen their skills. Plus, it would directly benefit the interns to work under the supervision of matured and experienced doctors.

Interns will learn the art of dealing with patients and treating them with care. As they say practice makes a man perfect, this internship experience can help you perfect your knowledge and techniques. Getting involved in a life saving journey in the country where most people are in dire need of it is an overwhelming experience personally and professionally.

Nepal medical interns wanting to join this internship project are required to submit a certification proving their medical credentials to HHFN before the arrival at the project centre. Interns with no license or ID will not be able to join us to reduce the potential risk.

Teaching Young Buddhists Monks Internship in Nepal

Buddhism is the second most practiced religion in Nepal after Hinduism. Nepal witnesses followers of Hinduism and Buddhism on a much larger scale. Nepal is full of beautiful monasteries where many monks reside and preach about religion and practices.

With English being the most common language to communicate, it became very essential for the monks to learn English. Get a memory of a lifetime with this internship project that ensures a spectacular travelling to a wonderful country and amazing experience of living in the monasteries.

The primary task for Nepal teaching program interns is to teach English to the monks for 3-4 hours a day either in Tibetan children's village or local monastery in Kathmandu. Teaching English will entail teaching grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary taking into account the development and improvement in reading, listening and speaking skills simultaneously.

Interns in Nepal can form an English-based curriculum that monks can practice even after the completion of the internship period. Interns can help the monastery with administrative affairs like cleaning, sweeping and fundraising. During free time, interns can get the monks involved in extracurricular activities like dance, music, poetry, acting and games.

Teaching English to the Buddhist monks is an achievement in itself. Plus living in a serene atmosphere with religious preaching can be a source of enlightenment to your life. If you wish you can engage in the spiritual sessions and enjoy the Buddhist rituals and prayers along with the Buddhist Monks. This is the best chance for you to visit a country presenting a vivid picture on Nepalese culture, Buddhist religion and many other religious and spiritual elements. As much knowledge you will give to these monks, the double or more you will gather from the experience.

Interns in this Nepal teaching program do not require any skills or qualifications to join this project however fluency in English is necessary both in written and verbal. Also interns are expected to abide by the norms and values of the monastery and should maintain peace and harmony throughout the internship period.

Internship in Agriculture

Nepal is indeed one of the best travel destinations of the world, offering you an exceptional opportunity to experience fascinating cultures, traditions, cuisines, flora & fauna, breathtaking views of the mountains and landscapes. Also, you will be overwhelmed by the Nepalese people’s helpful and welcoming nature.

Though Nepal is regarded as a paradise for vacationers across the globe, unfortunately, the majority of Nepalese people are under the line of poverty and have been forced to lead a miserable life. This is because over 70% of the Nepalese people’s major occupation is agriculture, however, it is still conventional and labor-intensive. Due to difficult topography and its unscientific distribution, traditional farming system, lack of proper irrigation and research activities, Nepalese farmers cannot even produce sufficient crops for them thus growing cash crops and earning has become just a dream. This is where your invaluable help comes in.

By joining this agriculture internship project in Nepal, you will indeed make a real contribution to help poor Nepali farmers lead a happy and harmonious life. After joining this amazing program, you will assist in designing, coordinating and implementing various agricultural projects that help improve the local physical landscapes as well as the living standard of the locals.

Do you feel called to assist deprived Nepalese farmers in their daily life? Contact us now to contribute in our fight to help improve the life of disadvantaged Nepalese farmers.

Journalism and Media Internship

With jaw-dropping snowy peaks, lovely people and their fascinating cultures, antique landmarks and stunning landscapes, Nepal is indeed one of the best travel destinations in the world. With lots of cultural, social and political activities along with stunning landscapes, Nepal is an ideal destination to hone your journalism skills in the areas of RJ, VJ and photo journalism.

Our journalism and media internship Nepal places you at newspapers and radio and TV stations. You will have the unique opportunity to learn and practice journalism collaborating with the local professionals and Journalism students. We will provide simple instructions to find challenges, do interviews and write news. You will write articles for your home country's newspapers, internet websites or magazines, as well as the Nepali media.

Work together with our highly experienced professionals and advance your knowledge and skills in various aspects of mass media and journalism. You will take a look behind the scenes at the life of Nepal and gain invaluable work experience. Contact us now and kick start your career as a journalist!

The goal of this Nepal internship project is to promote you as a strong and impactful journalist, RJ and VJ. We have the direction and assistance of an accomplished specialist who works for the reputable Media. You will agree with your supervisor on a timetable and ride to various places clicking photos and gathering news. You will also work as a RJ and VJ as per your confidence and skills. Occasionally, to take pictures and gather news, you will also attend different types of workshops, conferences and wedding activities.

No specific skills and qualifications are required to join this program. Candidates with experience in the field of journalism are preferred, however, we also accept newbies thinking about entering the media field. For photojournalism, you should possess the basic concept of photojournalism, camera and should be in good physical condition as you have to visit difficult topography.

Note: for photojournalism, cameras are not given, and to get all those awesome shots, you would need to bring along a professional quality camera.

Nature Conservation Internship

Nepal is a stunning country for interning and traveling. Here you will find infinite culture and the roots of Buddhism as well as the glorious Himalayas, diverse wildlife, antique monuments & landmarks and striking lakes. Nepal is also considered as the world’s best destination for outdoor adventures as it offers exciting trekking trails, mountaineering, paragliding, rock climbing and bungee jumping opportunities along with mesmerizing landscapes and rare flora & fauna.

Unfortunately, despite being one of the natural paradises, the precious natural resources are deteriorating due to extreme poverty, unsustainable farming practices, climate change, alleged corruption, increase in population and the over exploitation of natural resources. There is also a great lack of awareness among Nepali people concerning the negative effects of deforestation. Though there are several INGOs, NGOs and governmental organizations conducting various conservation activities, their efforts have not been adequate. Therefore, HHFN works in collaboration with the local government and interns around the globe to help protect the local environment.

This nature conservation internship program in Nepal works to sustain the environment through various projects that raise awareness, teach sustainable farming methods, improve ecotourism initiatives, teach the local communities eco-friendly practices and plantation of trees in the bare land. HHFN has also developed a concept of Permaculture techniques in the farm land and has aimed to develop the concept of Eco-village in different communities of Nepal.

If you wish to join this environmental awareness campaign to make a positive effect on the conservation of Nepalese natural resources, contact us today and pursue your passion!